And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be real


Perhaps you have started looking for therapy because you sometimes hear this negative inner voice that you're not enough, you're damaged, worthless, a failure, or inferior unless you are "doing" for others or behaving a certain way in order to belong. Maybe you have continued to notice abusive or exploitative people coming into your life and an inability to say no. Perhaps you're seeking help because you're tired, anxious, depressed, alone or numb but can't find a way out.

I specialize in helping individuals overcome limiting self-beliefs that lead to a cycle of toxic relationships and/or work environments by working collaboratively to help you find your voice, create healthy boundaries, and reduce feelings of distress. I also offer video/telehealth online therapy and face to face in the office.

My aim in the therapy process is to hear your story with curiosity and openness and help you connect the dots between past unresolved grief and/or trauma that impacts your current relationships, work, school, or your peace of mind. We do so through a collaborative process of looking at life themes and patterns that continue to emerge, and then use creative and innovative approaches blended with more traditional approaches to dig out those old beliefs and replace them with new ones so that the most authentic YOU can emerge.

About Allison Briggs, M. Ed, LPC

Allison Briggs is a Board Certified and Licensed Professional Counselor (#73047) in the state of Texas. She graduated in 2005 from the University of St. Thomas with her Masters of Education in Counseling. She has nine years of experience as a professional school counselor, eight years of experience as a school parent coordinator and 504 coordinator, and a total of nineteen years of experience in the education system. She has been in private practice since 2017 working with individuals who struggle with codependency and trauma.