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The student is ready

"When the student is ready, the teacher appears." This ancient spiritual law, attributed to Buddha and Theosophists, has been echoing in my mind lately. I often wonder what these words mean to me and why they keep resurfacing. What if everyone we meet is a teacher? What if every situation, every friend, family member, even the cashier or our biggest enemy, is here to teach us something? What if life’s small details—like running errands, standing in long lines, or waiting in traffic—are meant to offer us lessons?

Recently, I had an irritable day. I spent much of it dealing with the chaos of my son’s birthday party, long lines, and traffic. Everyone seemed to be moving too slowly, not cooperating with "my will." Looking back, I realize that those situations could have been teachers, offering me the lesson of patience and acceptance. If I had slowed down, shifted my perspective, and breathed through it, I might have learned more.

This is part of everyday life—getting stuck in the mundane, dealing with frustrations, and sometimes learning nothing from those experiences. But when I choose to be open to learning, I see those moments as opportunities for growth.

The teacher is always there, in both the small details and the bigger moments. Relationships, even difficult ones, are teachers. They show us unconditional love, boundaries, and forgiveness. Life is constantly teaching us about ourselves, especially in those moments where we are triggered by others.

If you're struggling and considering therapy, reach out today for a free 15-minute consultation. Therapy is available throughout Texas, virtually and in person in Houston. By learning to shift your perspective and embrace life's lessons, you can begin to find peace, acceptance, and emotional growth.